
How to Copy Text to Clipboard using jQuery


How to Copy Text to Clipboard using jQuery

The ability to copy text to the clipboard can enhance user experience and simplify certain actions on web applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement a feature that allows users to copy text to the clipboard using jQuery.


Step 1: Include jQuery Library

First, ensure that you have the jQuery library included in your project. You can either download the library and host it locally or use a content delivery network (CDN) to include it in your HTML file. Here's an example of including jQuery using a CDN:

<script src=""></script>


Step 2: Create the HTML

Next, create an HTML element that contains the text you want to copy. For example, let's create a paragraph element with an ID for easy selection:

<p id="textToCopy">This is the text to be copied.</p>
<button id="copyButton">Copy to Clipboard</button>

Step 3: Implement the Copy Functionality

Now, using jQuery, we can implement the functionality to copy the text to the clipboard when the button is clicked. Add the following JavaScript code:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#copyButton').click(function() {
    var text = $('#textToCopy').text();

    var dummyElement = $('<textarea>').val(text).appendTo('body').select();

    alert('Text copied to clipboard!');



  • The click event handler is attached to the "Copy to Clipboard" button using its ID.
  • The text to be copied is retrieved from the paragraph element with the ID "textToCopy" using the .text() method.
  • A temporary <textarea> element is dynamically created, and the text is set as its value.
  • The <textarea> element is appended to the body, selected, and the document.execCommand('copy') method is used to copy the text to the clipboard.
  • Finally, the temporary <textarea> element is removed, and an alert is shown to indicate that the text has been copied.
