Milind Daraniya

How to disable an anchor tag in HTML

Published August 9th, 2023 12 min read

In HTML, the <a> tag is commonly used to create clickable links. However, there may be situations where you want to disable an anchor tag, preventing users from clicking on it. Here are three different approaches to achieve this:

Example 1: Using the disabled Attribute

<a href="#" disabled>Disabled Link</a>

In this example, we add the disabled attribute to the anchor tag. Although the disabled attribute is not natively supported by the <a> tag, it can still be useful for styling purposes. However, please note that it doesn't prevent users from clicking on the link.

Example 2: Using JavaScript event.preventDefault()

<a href="#" onclick="event.preventDefault();">Disabled Link</a>

In this example, we use JavaScript to prevent the default behavior of the click event using event.preventDefault(). This effectively disables the link and prevents it from navigating to the specified URL (# in this case).

Example 3: Using CSS pointer-events: none;

    .disabled-link {
        pointer-events: none;
        cursor: default;

<a href="#" class="disabled-link">Disabled Link</a>

In this example, we utilize CSS to disable the link by setting pointer-events: none;. This CSS property prevents any mouse events, including clicks, from being triggered on the element. Additionally, we set the cursor property to default to indicate that the link is not clickable.