Milind Daraniya

How to Get Order Status Label in Magento 2

Published September 7th, 2023 7 min read

Are you a Magento 2 developer looking for a quick and easy way to fetch the order status label in your custom module? Look no further! 🛍️💻

👉 Follow these simple steps to get the order status label:

Step 1: Initialize the necessary dependencies

use Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory;
use Magento\Framework\App\Helper\Context;

protected $orderFactory;

public function __construct(
    Context $context,
    OrderFactory $orderFactory
) {
    $this->orderFactory = $orderFactory;

Step 2: Fetch the order status label

public function getOrderStatusLabel($orderId)
    $order = $this->orderFactory->create()->load($orderId);
    $statusLabel = $order->getStatusLabel();
    return $statusLabel;

Step 3: Utilize the function in your custom module

$orderId = 123; // Replace with your desired order ID
$orderStatusLabel = $this->getOrderStatusLabel($orderId);
echo "Order Status Label: " . $orderStatusLabel;

That's it! You've successfully obtained the order status label in Magento 2. Now you can display this information wherever you need it in your custom modules or templates.

Happy coding! 🚀👨‍💻