
Laravel Localization: Multi-Language Support


Laravel Localization: Multi-Language Support

Laravel provides robust support for localization, allowing developers to create applications that cater to users from different language backgrounds. Laravel's localization features enable seamless translation of user interfaces, messages, and content, providing a user-friendly experience for a diverse audience. In this post, we'll explore Laravel's localization capabilities and how to implement multi-language support in your Laravel applications.

Setting Up Localization

To enable localization in your Laravel application, start by configuring the default language and supported locales. Open the config/app.php file and set the locale and fallback_locale values:

'locale' => 'en',
'fallback_locale' => 'en',

Creating Language Files

Laravel uses language files to store translation strings. Language files are typically stored in the resources/lang directory, organized by language codes. For example, create a directory for English translations:


Inside the en directory, create a PHP file named messages.php:


return [
    'welcome' => 'Welcome to our website!',
    'greeting' => 'Hello, :name!',

Accessing Translations

To access translations in your views or controllers, use the trans helper function or the __ helper function:

// Using the trans helper function
echo trans('messages.welcome'); // Output: "Welcome to our website!"

// Using the __ helper function
echo __('messages.greeting', ['name' => 'John']); // Output: "Hello, John!"


Laravel's localization supports pluralization for phrases that have singular and plural versions. Use the trans_choice function or the __ function with a count parameter to handle pluralization:

// Using trans_choice
echo trans_choice('messages.apples', 5, ['count' => 5]); // Output: "5 apples"

// Using __ with count parameter
echo __('messages.apples', ['count' => 1]); // Output: "1 apple"

Language Switching

To allow users to switch between languages, you can store the selected language preference in a session or a cookie. Create a language switcher that sets the selected language in the session or cookie and reloads the page with the updated locale.

Language Files for Other Locales

To support additional languages, create language files for each locale in the resources/lang directory. For example, to support Spanish, create a directory for Spanish translations:


Inside the es directory, create the messages.php file with translations in Spanish.

Detecting User's Preferred Language

To automatically detect the user's preferred language based on their browser settings, you can implement middleware to set the application's locale. The Accept-Language header in the user's request can provide information about the preferred language.

Laravel's localization features make it easy to create multi-language applications, accommodating users from various linguistic backgrounds. By leveraging language files and the trans helper function, you can seamlessly translate your application's content and provide a user-friendly experience for global audiences.

With Laravel's powerful localization capabilities, you can easily build applications that cater to a diverse user base, fostering inclusivity and global reach.