
Mastering the "hidden" Attribute in HTML


Mastering the "hidden" Attribute in HTML

Hey fellow developers! Let's dive into the powerful "hidden" attribute in HTML that allows us to hide elements on our webpages effortlessly.

What is the "hidden" attribute? 
The "hidden" attribute is a handy HTML attribute that can be added to any element to hide it from being displayed on the web page. When an element has the "hidden" attribute set, it will not be visible to users, but it remains present in the HTML structure, ready to be revealed programmatically or on certain user interactions.

Example Usage: Let's say we have a simple HTML structure like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hidden Attribute Example</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our Website!</h1>
    <p>This is some visible content on the page.</p>
    <div hidden>
        <p>This content is hidden for now.</p>
    <p>More visible content here.</p>

In this example, we have a div element with the "hidden" attribute, containing a paragraph with hidden content. As a result, the paragraph inside the div will not be displayed when the page loads.

JavaScript Interactions: 
You can easily control the visibility of the hidden elements using JavaScript. For instance, you could create a button that shows the hidden content when clicked:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hidden Attribute Example</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our Website!</h1>
    <p>This is some visible content on the page.</p>
    <div hidden>
        <p>This content is hidden for now.</p>
    <button onclick="showHiddenContent()">Show Hidden Content</button>
        function showHiddenContent() {

Now, when you click the "Show Hidden Content" button, the hidden content inside the div will be revealed on the page.

Keep in mind that the "hidden" attribute is not a secure way to hide sensitive or confidential information, as it can be manipulated by users using browser developer tools. For security purposes, always rely on server-side checks and proper authentication.