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Searching Text Inside Nested Divs Using jQuery and Adding a Class to the Parent Element

Hey fellow developers! 🤗 Today, I want to share with you a handy jQuery technique to search fo

How To Remove Version Number In File Paths in Magento 2

Some time we needs to remove version number in file paths in Magento 2 because these files&r

Magento 2 Apply Coupon Code Programmatically

Sometimes we need to apply coupon code programmatically in Magento2.Here in this tutorial, we are

How To Fix Blank Admin Page On Magento 2.3 In Windows

Magento 2 may appear many errors after installation. Follow How to fix blank admin p

Magento2: How to update the product price programatically

Sometimes we need to update product price manually so today we will learn how to update product p

How to Disable Welcome Email After Creating New Customer in Magento 2

Magento 2 provides this facility to send a welcome email to newly registered customers. Along wit

How to stop or disable mail sending from the Magento 2?

Magento 2 provides this facility to send emails to customers. Along with that, it also sends a we

Get Customer ID Without Session in Magento 2

Some time we needs to get customer id without session in magento 2. I am going to explain so