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Exploring the json_encode() Function | How to Convert PHP Arrays to JSON

Hey fellow developers! In this post, we'll dive into the powerful json_encode() function in PHP a

What is CSS Clamp Function?

What is CSS Clamp Function?
CSS Clamp function is a relatively new addition t

Zoom Everything on Bigger Screens – CSS Media Queries

Do you want your website to adapt seamlessly to larger screens and provide a visually pleasing ex

CSS Technique for Elastic Moving Active Background for Navigations

Are you tired of the same old static navigation bars? Want to add some flair and interactivity to

CSS Zebra-Striping in Sets of Three and Four

Zebra-striping is a popular technique used in web design to improve readability and add a touch o

Creating Responsive Squares and Circles with CSS Only

Are you looking to add some geometric flair to your website without using images or JavaScript? L

Simple CSS blinking cursor

Do you want to add a touch of interactivity to your text fields or input elements? A blinking cur

Mesmerizing Eyelids Animation Using SVG and CSS

Hey designers and developers! Today, I'm excited to share a delightful SVG/CSS animation that wil