How to Remove Null and Empty Values from Laravel Collection
Laravel Collections provide a powerful way to work with arrays of data in a more expressive and c
How to Create or Register Multiple Database Seeders in Laravel
Database seeders in Laravel allow you to populate your database with sample or default data, maki
Magento 2: Creating Products Attributes Programmatically
In Magento 2, product attributes are crucial for categorizing and providing information about you
How to Get Item Customizable Option in Observer in Magento 2?
In Magento 2, customizable options allow customers to personalize products by selecting different
How to Add a New Column to an Existing Table Using db Schema in Magento 2.4+ ?
In Magento 2, the database schema is defined using XML files that describe the structure of datab
PHP JWT Login Storage
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have become a popular method for implementing stateless authentication in w